winter 1winter n. 冬; 逆境期. 【動詞+】 endure a miserable winter みじめな冬を堪える escape winter for a week in Hawaii ハワイで 1 週間冬の寒さを逃れる He numbers ninety winters. 《文語》 90 歳の高齢である pass the winter
by the middle of ~の半ばまでに(は) The book will be available by the middle of September.
middle middle n. 中央, 真ん中, 中ごろ; 《口語》 腰, 胴部. 【前置詞+】 about the middle of next month 来月のなかばごろ about the middle of May 5 月のなかばごろ He ranks somewhat above the middle of his class. クラスでの彼の席次は中
in the middle of winter , when it's absolutely freezing outside 真冬の凍える寒さの中
the town was burned down ; it was in the middle of winter 町は全焼しました 季節は真冬です
why the hell are we in an open caf in the middle of winter ? 何で真冬にオープンカフェ?
she's trimming an evergreen in the middle of winter . 真冬に 常緑樹の刈り込みをしてる 普通は 6月にするものよ
i was thrown out to mt . briggs in the middle of winter for a month during my training ! 冬のブリッグス山に1か月ほうり込まれたわよ
in naked festivals of ablution type , participants often pour icy water over their heads or go into the river or sea in the middle of winter . 禊型の裸祭りでは真冬に氷水を浴びたり川や海に入る場合が多い。
however , some people wear it only in the middle of winter thanks to the increase of warm wafuku , such as wool-made ones , as well as the spread of heaters . しかしながら、ウールなど暖かい素材が増えたことと暖房機の普及により、真冬のみ着る人もいる。
in naked festivals of ablution type , participants often pour icy water over their heads or go into the river or sea in the middle of winter . in some derived forms of these festivals , people splash one another hot spring water , mud , amazake (sweet alcoholic drink ) or festive red rice . 禊型の裸祭りでは真冬に氷水を浴びたり川や海に入る場合が多いが、この変形として温泉の湯、泥、甘酒、赤飯、等を掛け合うものもある。